Monday, July 15, 2019

I love this!!

I may have mentioned that already that I have been watching some art/mixed media/scrapbooking tutorials on You Tube.
I am learning a lot and enjoying the, shall we say, "company" they provide when I am in my studio pottering around on my own.
I particularly like a woman called Marta, a polish woman, who does her tutorials in real time, by which I mean, she chats along as she creates and it is like being there with her.
As she puts something together she will explain what she is doing and why of course but one of my favourite things about her is the way she will exclaim, "oh I love this" as she places her elements, or paints or completes a project. It has reminded me to be excited and happy about what I make and to love what I do and who I am. I love her exuberance and joy at creating and how she makes me smile when I am watching her tutorials.
You can find Marta here and her instagram Check her out, she creates beautiful things.
Another woman I like to watch and learn from is Tiffany Solorio and it from her I got inspiration for one of my latest projects, which happens to be different from anything I have done before. And I LOVE IT!!!

A few months ago a picked up a piece of driftwood from our beach while on a walk. I don't know why that particular piece but it spoke to me so I brought it home. It's not uncommon for me to bring small treasures and mementos home from a walk or a tramp.

I didn't know what I was going to do with it until I saw one of Tiffany's tutorials and it gave me inspiration to make this..

My driftwood salvaged from our beach

It took me a long time to put together, and it sat unfinished for a few weeks, but in the end I completed it and I really am happy with it. Who knows where this piece of wood started off, where it has been or how old it may be, I love that thought, and I have put other beach finds on this project also. Cats eyes I collected from a beach in Ohope, shells from the beach where my daughter lives. I have used gesso, modelling paste and stencils, crackle medium, ink spray and water colour paint. It has so much texture and detail, which can't really be seen in a picture, it's not perfect, but I LOVE IT!

I have so much to learn about positioning elements, balance and focal point, not to mention how to use most of these mediums but I have already learnt so much and it is so much fun practising.

Here is a close up,

A close up of the driftwood project

It's not on the wall of my studio yet but it soon will be. If anyone reading this has watched the Australian film The Castle, they will understand when I say I am having a "pool room" moment right now.

So thank you to Marta and Tiffany and all the other artists out there sharing your talents so I can learn. Learn to be a better artist and learn to be a better person also.

Love, Kate

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